Liar Cheated Addicted to cheating Habit of cheatingthe : Quotations from the Ziwei Jun.
騙子騙上癮 : 揪團騙;就一騙再騙騙全國!
騙子騙習慣 : 無所不騙;就一騙再騙騙全球!
Ziwei Jun said:
Scammers deceive: one person; he deceives everyone again and again!
Scammers are addicted to cheating: they use gang members to cheat; they just cheat the whole country again and again!
Liar’s habit of deceiving: He will deceive everything; he will deceive the whole world again and again!
骗子骗上手 : 一个人; 就一骗再骗骗众人!
骗子骗上瘾 : 揪团骗; 就一骗再骗骗全国!
骗子骗习惯 : 无所不骗; 就一骗再骗骗全球!